Workshop Information

The SCS offers a number of workshops each year. To sign up for a workshop, please make sure that you follow the steps below; complete set-up guidelines, view the schedule to select your workshop date, and complete the workshop registration form. Let us know if you have a suggestion for a workshop that you would like to see offered at UConn!

If you have any questions, email

*We strongly encourage you to attend one of the ‘Intro to R’ workshops prior to attending any statistics-focused workshops. Please contact us if you would like a recording of one of these workshops.

1. Set Up Guidelines: Installing R and Studio

Logo of Windows operating system.


Install R by downloading and running this .exe file from CRAN. Also, please install the RStudio IDE.

NOTE: If you have separate user and admin accounts, run the installers as administrator (right-click on .exe file and select “Run as administrator” instead of double-clicking). Otherwise problems may occur later, for example when installing R packages.


Install R by downloading and running this .exe file from CRAN. Also, please install the RStudio IDE.


You can download the binary files for your distribution from CRAN. Or you can use your package manager (e.g. for Debian/Ubuntu run sudo apt-get install r-base and for Fedora run sudo dnf install R). Also, please install the RStudio IDE.

2. Workshop Schedule

06/28 | Introduction to R

Date: June 30, 20xx
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Room 317, IPB
Description: Introduction to working with data in R and RStudio


06/30 | Introduction to R

Date: June 30, 20xx
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Room 317, IPB
Description: Introduction to working with data in R and RStudio


3. Workshop Registration Form

*Please ensure that you have followed the set up guidelines prior to attending the workshop.

Full Name(Required)
UConn affiliates, please use UConn email.
Workshop Selection(Required)
Please select the workshop(s) you would like to attend. Note that the Intro to R workshops are duplicate events.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Workshop Venue