Meet The Consulting Team

The SCS is staffed by late-career Ph.D. students from UConn’s Department of Statistics. These students come from diverse backgrounds and have a wide variety of skills and interests. This allows the SCS to offer analytical support on a wide range of research topics, and provide assistance on a number commonly encountered statistical issues, such as, missing data imputation, generalized linear and non-linear mixed effects models, time series analysis, variable selection, and many more!

Xiojing Wang

Faculty Advisor

Associate Professor, Department of Statistics

Graduate Assistant Consultants

Zoe Gibbs

Zoe is a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics. She received her BS and MS in Statistics from Brigham Young University.

Zoe’s research interests include bayesian analysis, mobile health data, missing data, R and Python.

Chaeyeon Yoo

Chaeyeon is a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics. She received her BS and MS in Statistics from Ewha Womans University in South Korea.

Chaeyeon’s research interests include bayesian data analysis & R.

Lucas Da Cunha Godoy

Lucas is a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics. He received his BS in Statistics from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerias, and an MSc in Statistics from UConn. Most of his research experience is in spatial and bayesian statistics.

Lucas’s research interests include public health, epidemiological, and environmental data analysis, applied statistics, spatial statistics, and statistical computing.

Jongwoo Choi

Jongwoo is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics. He received his BS in Mathematics from California State University Chico and his MA in Statistics from Columbia University.

Jongwoo’s research interests include bayesian data analysis, machine learning & deep learning, longitudinal data analysis, R, SAS, and Python.

Garrett Frady

*Administrative Assistant

Garrett is a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics. He previously received his BA/MA in mathematics and BA in computer science from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Potsdam.

Garrett’s research interests include spatial-temporal statistics, mathematical statistics, bayesian statistics, and statistical consulting.